Rototec-Spintec GmbH

With our products, we offer solutions to routine problems that occur in daily use in liquid and solid-state NMR and EPR spectroscopy.
For many years we have been one of the top suppliers to industrial and academic facilities for spectroscopic needs. We provide competent and quick responses to inquiries for product knowledge as well as prompt delivery from our extensive inventory. 
Our large worldwide satisfied customer base includes large chemical and pharmaceutical companies, as well as the most renowned universities and research institutes.

NMR / EPR supplier for industrial and academic institutions

NMR Online-Shop

NMR-Conferences 2025 in Europ​e

Dear Customers,
we are pleased to invite you to the following NMR conferences in 2025:
  We are looking forward to your participation and exciting discussions about our products such as NMR-Systems, ZEOCHEM-Solvents, NMR-Tubes, NMR-Accessories, Liquid- & Solid-Probes, High Pressure-NMR, RF-Amplifier and many other products.

More Informations

Q.One logo

A new Dimension in NMR

Rototec-Spintec is now starting a NMR-Instruments agency for european customers.
With Q.One the manufacturer of high quality NMR-Instruments, we can offer complete NMR-Systems for console upgrades and high-performance probe heads.
Sales & Service is of course Part of our business area. 

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for 400 and 600 MHz Systems

available as:
- Complete NMR System ...
  with Magnet,

- Probechanger and other accessories,
- and Console Upgrade.

ZEOchem logo

for Routine Analytics, Research & Development

ZEOchem is a Swiss company that produces Deuterium Labeled Compounds for various applications, ​such as pharmaceuticals, electronics and nuclear magnetic resonance.​ 
Zeochem is a leading global manufacturer of Deuterium Labeled Compounds -Isotopes. ​These high-quality products are used as solvents in NMR spectroscopy.

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Attractive offers of high-quality NMR products 
for our regular customers and those who want to become one

Your personal annual consumption 
From January 2024 you can request a personal annual consumption quote from us, regardless of whether it is an industrial or academic institution.
You will receive your personal price-adjusted offer for the annual consumption for all our listed articles, deuterated solvents, NMR accessories or everything to do with rotors and spinning turbines.

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NMR-Tubes from Rototec-Spintec 
with a Certificate

Experience the world of Rototec Spintec now with the world's first    NMR-Tubes with a certificate for concentricity and camber. 
High-precision tubes for various applications in high-field NMR.

With our inexpensive NMR tubes you have the choice:
"Round base or base with lens".

Your decision for precision.

High Precision NMR Tubes

We offer various types of
NMR and EPR consumables

NMR Online Shop

Please contact our Main Office in Germany 
or one of our vendors 
in US, Canada, UK, Taiwan, Japan and South Africa

Wilmad Labglass

Wilmad Labglass, NMR Tubes, Spinner Turbines and
 NMR Accessories

SP Wilmad LabGlass as part of SP Scienceware is a leading manufacturer of 
EPR- / NMR-Tubes and NMR accessories, a diverse line of Laboratory Glassware and Scientific Equipment, as well as Precision Engineered Glass, OEM Quartz components and assemblies. We supply the most common 
5 mm and 10 mm Spinner Turbines for Agilent (Varian) / Nalorac and Bruker spectrometers and NMR Tubes . Rototec-Spintec offer Wilmad LabGlass ( LabWare ) and select glass repair services to maximize the life of your laboratory items. The mission of SP Wilmad-LabGlass is to collaborate with our customers and suppliers to improve the quality of life by offering our best in scientific products and engineered glassware around the world.
Commitment to Quality:
Leveraging skilled craftsmanship and modern manufacturing practices certified to ISO 9001:2015, SP has earned worldwide reputation for translating detailed specifications into high quality products that become part of advanced analytical instrumentation and equipment, aerospace systems, medical devices and more. 

Spectrometer and Accessories

We do not only deliver small parts for chemical laboratories,  but also ...

1.  NMR-Spectromter and NMR/EPR-Consumables
2.  Pulsamplifier for Varian/Agilent NMR-Systems (AMT Replacement) and other vendors
3.  Impedance Analyzer for frequency measurements and tuning of NMR-Probes and MRI-Heads etc.
4.  High Pressure NMR
5.  Scientific AirJet Sample Cooler
6.  NMR Solids CP/MAS Probes (Doty)

For more Informations please contact our main office !

TOMCO Dual Band Amplifier

Replaces the existing RF amplifier on your Varian/Agilent or other spectrometer ! 
The TOMCO TwinPulse400 is a single, low-cost drop-in replacement for users needing either repair, replace or simply upgrade the RF power amplifier on their Varian NMR consoles at either approximately the same or less cost than a reconditioned replacement, comes with a 3 year guarantee and has CE certification. 


FTS-Cooling System

The XR AirJet Sample Cooler, available in -90C or -40C configurations provides sample temperature control for NMR, EPR and X-Ray diffraction using a mechanically refrigerated, temperature controlled air stream. 


Bringing High Pressure to 
High Performance NMR

High-pressure NMR has a long and turbulent history in physics, chemistry and biophysics. However, the method was limited in the past due to the lack of commercial availability of high-performance NMR sample tubes with large active volume that could be safely and continuously operated at pressures above 1 kbar.
Daedalus Innovations has solved this problem.


Solids & Liquids Probes

 The company’s initial product was a CP/MAS (Cross Polarization/Magic Angle Spinning) probe for chemical structure determination of solid materials via Nuclear Magnetic Reso­nance (NMR). 
 For an overview of the technology and products in NMR, see ‘Probe Design and Construction’ and ‘Solid State Probe Design’ in ‘ Encyclopedia of NMR ‘, Wiley Press, 1996. 

Rototec-Spintec Service and Support

Rototec-Spintec has a service facility based in Bad Wildbad in  Germany, to supply service and support for all products we supply. 
Another aspect of Rototec-Spintec's service activities is the repair or upgrading of NMR probes of most types and manufacturers, including adaptation to enable a NMR probe from one manufacturer to be re-used on another manufacturer's NMR system.